Sermons on Purity

How’s Your Housecleaning?

Spring isn’t here yet, but are you overdue for some Spring-cleaning? Not your home, but your house: your heart, your temple, the house of God. Consider your zeal, as Jesus demonstrated his while clearing the temple (John 2: 13-22), then refresh and revive your heart. Keep up with your “housecleaning,” and daily proclaim the resurrection…

Directing Your Heart

PROVERBS 23 Apply your heart to instruction (v.12). What happens to hearts that are not specifically trained to love what is important? To what kind of instruction do we need to be applying our hearts? If your heart is wise, then the hearts of those who love you will be glad (v.15). How do parents…

God’s Ability to Persuade

II SAMUEL 12:1-14 The LORD sent Nathan to persuade David (v.1). How does it help to have a relationship with someone you seek to persuade? What will help us to see ourselves as chosen by God to persuade others? Telling a story that relates well is a great way to persuade (v.1-4). How much persuasive…

Covered by the Blood

LEVITICUS 16 The high priest had to be holy to offer a sacrifice for the people (v.11-14). Why would the high priest need to offer a sacrifice for His sins? How is our sacrifice superior to theirs? (II Corinthians 5:21) The forgiveness of sins requires a blood sacrifice (v.15-19). What is the logic behind a…

Amazing Our World

ACTS 5:12-16 Biblical miracles will amaze our world (v.12). What was it about the apostolic signs and wonders that amazed the people? What is accomplished when we try to claim second-class miracles today? The unity of believers will amaze our world (v.12). What is it about the unity of the church that amazes others? How…