Sermons on Sinners (Page 2)

Angry About God’s Grace

JONAH 1-4 Jonah fled to Tarshish because he was angry about God’s grace (4:1-4) What did Jonah’s anger have to do with his running from God? What is wrong with a heart that is so angry with God’s grace that it runs from Him? What is wrong with our hearts when we run from God’s…

Directing Your Heart

PROVERBS 23 Apply your heart to instruction (v.12). What happens to hearts that are not specifically trained to love what is important? To what kind of instruction do we need to be applying our hearts? If your heart is wise, then the hearts of those who love you will be glad (v.15). How do parents…

God’s Ability to Persuade

II SAMUEL 12:1-14 The LORD sent Nathan to persuade David (v.1). How does it help to have a relationship with someone you seek to persuade? What will help us to see ourselves as chosen by God to persuade others? Telling a story that relates well is a great way to persuade (v.1-4). How much persuasive…

Covered by the Blood

LEVITICUS 16 The high priest had to be holy to offer a sacrifice for the people (v.11-14). Why would the high priest need to offer a sacrifice for His sins? How is our sacrifice superior to theirs? (II Corinthians 5:21) The forgiveness of sins requires a blood sacrifice (v.15-19). What is the logic behind a…

Arguing Reveals and Increases Pride

JOB 27:2-6 Job, the most righteous man on earth, maintained his integrity (2:3). Why is it a good thing for us to maintain our integrity? What is the danger of focusing too much on maintaining our integrity? (27:5-6) Job’s three friends argued that he was being punished for his sin (11:14-15). Why would they stoop…

Why Did Jesus Come?

JOHN 10:10 Jesus came so that we can have life abundantly (John 10:10). How is life more abundant with our Good Shepherd? How many people would describe you as living abundantly? What can we do to better realize this abundant life? Jesus gives abundant life to those who follow Him (Luke 9:23). How does Jesus’…

By His Wounds We Are Healed

ISAIAH 53:4-6 The larger context clearly shows the wonder of Christ’s sacrifice (52:13-53:12). How does the reading of this passage kindle emotions that can bless us? How much anguish and how much hope do you find in these words? Our chosen text personalizes that amazing sacrifice (53:4). What would move someone to take ownership of…

Do You Love the Father?

LUKE 15:11-32 Jesus wanted the sinners to know that the Father loved them (v.11-20). What lessons could Jesus’ dinner guests gain from these parables? Why didn’t someone go looking for the brother like they did for the sheep and coin? How does the Father’s love reconcile the returning son with the whole community? Jesus wanted…

The Accuser in the Last Days

II TIMOTHY 3:1-5 God’s people should expect terrible behavior in the world (v.1). How does a long-lasting rejection of Jesus manifest itself? (v.13) For what reasons would God share this news with His people? Unbelievers will display increasingly selfish sins (v.2-4). What central attitude links all of the sins in these three verses? How can…