In today’s lesson, Dean asks, “what are we declaring?”
HEBREWS 7:18-25 Any law system is incapable of making anything perfect (v.18-19). What is the fault with any law system (8:8)? What happens when we put our hope in any law system? A better hope was introduced with an oath (v.20-21). What makes this oath in Psalm 110:4 even more impressive? How does this oath…
II KINGS 23:1-25 When you discover the word of God it needs to tear at your heart (22:8-13). Why does a renewal of the covenant need to begin with finding the word of God? How are you letting God’s word convict your heart? To renew our covenant we must first read God’s word to the…
DEUTERONOMY 11 Love the LORD and keep His laws so you will be strong (v.1, 8-12). Why does God link loving the LORD with obeying Him? (Galatians 5:6) How do godly actions make you stronger? For what purpose was God strengthening His obedient people? Remember what God has done and teach the children (v.2-7, 18-21).…
EXODUS 14 When we learn that God is with us, we want to follow (Exodus 4:29-31). How do you think the Israelites felt when they heard this great news? How do we and our loved ones feel when we hear the news of God’s grace? When we are going through hard times we don’t want…
Elder Bryan McKee presents a lesson on preparing for the Christian walk, both practically and spiritually.
JAMES 1:22-25 When we merely listen to the word, we deceive ourselves (v.22). Why is just feeling convicted not enough? How are we deceiving ourselves when we don’t put it into practice? We need to learn a lesson from our mirrors (v.23-24). Why is this one of the all-time great illustrations? What is wrong with…
Galatians 5:16-23 The morality of the flesh is opposed to the morality of the Spirit (v.16-17). How does walking by the Spirit keep us from wanting to sin? Which opposing desire should we be choosing? Why is walking by the Spirit better than doing what we desire? The morality of the Spirit doesn’t need rules…
GALATIANS 5:16-18 Walking by the Spirit is commanded by God (v.16). What does the indwelling of the Spirit have to do with our walk? Because walking by the Spirit is commanded, what is our responsibility? Walking by the Spirit keeps us from worldly activities (v.16). What desires are not put into action when we walk…