Dean ask the question, “When/what can we give?” Like Jesus with the woman at the well, Dean challenges us to give according the needs of others, as well as giving (and seeking/receiving) from the source of eternal life, the everlasting fountain: our Lord and God.
Enjoy this Father’s Day lesson on Success from Dean Manning.
Enjoy this lesson from our minister, Dean Manning, on what fellowship is and what it should be.
ZECHARIAH 14 The primary context of these promises involves the church (9:9). What can we learn from these prophecies (9:9; 11:12-13; 12:10; 13:6, 7)? How do these specific prophecies affect your faith? From the Mt. of Olives He will make a way for His people (14:4-5). How did the One who stood on the Mt.…
DANIEL 9:1-23 Spending time in God’s word motivated Daniel to pray (v.1-3). Why is it so important for us to let God’s word motivate us to pray? What are you going to do today and this week to let that happen for you? Daniel prayed with praise and confession (v.4-11a). Why is it so important…
I CORINTHIANS 13 Love for God is incomplete without displaying it by blessing others (v.1). Why is genuine love more persuasive than impressive speech? How can we make sure that our words are more than an obnoxious noise? Spiritual maturity and insight is incomplete without practicing love (v.2). What happens to Christianity when we just…
MATTHEW 4:23-25 As Jesus traveled through Galilee, huge crowds brought their sick (v.23-25). How broad was the attraction of Jesus for those in need? How broad is the attraction of the body of Christ today for those in need? Jesus blessed these crowds by healing all of their sick (v.23-25). Why didn’t Jesus tell these…
PSALM 90:12 Moses was trained 120 years to teach us how to number our days (v.1-6). What lessons do we need to learn from the seasons of Moses’ life? How can our understanding of Moses’ days help us better number ours? To number our days we need proper perspective (v.7-11). What spiritual perspective will help…
LUKE 17:21 The entire message of Jesus was about the coming of the Kingdom (Mark 1:15). Why is the message of redemption incomplete without the concept of kingdom? Why would Jesus be so unassuming and personal if He is a king? Their misunderstanding about the Kingdom missed the point (John 6:14-15). What was wrong with…
MATTHEW 25:1-13 We have been chosen to participate in the celebration of the Bridegroom (v.1). What does purity have to do with being in the presence of God? How should we live differently when we consider the kingdom? We need to bring ‘extra oil’ for our lamps (v.2-6). Why is it so important to have…