Sermons on Choices (Page 6)

The High Cost of Trying to Save Yourself

II KINGS 25:1-7 Zedekiah had been told how to be saved (Jeremiah 21:8-9, 38:2). Why would the king choose rebellion instead of surrender? Why do we choose rebellion instead of surrender? Zedekiah was afraid of the cost of obeying God (Jeremiah 38:17-20). What was the basis of Zedekiah’s fear? What is the basis of our…

Using God

II KINGS 16 Instead of serving God, Ahaz chose to worship idols (v.1-4). What is the motivation behind idolatry? How does the idolatry of Colossians 3:5 demonstrate that truth? Instead of trusting God, Ahaz chose to trust in Assyria (v. 5-9). Why would we choose to trust earthly sources above God? Again, what is the…

Angry About God’s Grace

JONAH 1-4 Jonah fled to Tarshish because he was angry about God’s grace (4:1-4) What did Jonah’s anger have to do with his running from God? What is wrong with a heart that is so angry with God’s grace that it runs from Him? What is wrong with our hearts when we run from God’s…

“There Is No God like You!”

2 CHRONICLES 6 Solomon had good reason to cry out, “There is no God like You” (v.1-2). What had just happened before Solomon mentioned the dark cloud? (5:7, 13-14) What amazing events in your life have moved you to praise God? Solomon was serious about leading the people in praise (v.12-13). Why is it important…

Directing Your Heart

PROVERBS 23 Apply your heart to instruction (v.12). What happens to hearts that are not specifically trained to love what is important? To what kind of instruction do we need to be applying our hearts? If your heart is wise, then the hearts of those who love you will be glad (v.15). How do parents…

God’s Ability to Persuade

II SAMUEL 12:1-14 The LORD sent Nathan to persuade David (v.1). How does it help to have a relationship with someone you seek to persuade? What will help us to see ourselves as chosen by God to persuade others? Telling a story that relates well is a great way to persuade (v.1-4). How much persuasive…