In Acts, Jesus says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” However, do we focus more on the blessing or the Blessor? Explore a life of true giving, by which we may be truly blessed.
Is it well with your soul? Dean explores the substantiation of wellness and uses seven potential points of reference through his discussion: love, wishes/requests, spiritual appreciation, truth, joy, actions, and mentor(s). Take time to assess you (spiritual) health as you enjoy Dean’s lesson this week.
How are you running the “love mile” that you’re in? Dean explores the definition of love and how we can reach completeness as we strive to love God and others.
Fear can affect us in so many ways, at so many different times in our life; Dean discusses the perfect love of God that can cast out all fear from our life.
Enjoy this lesson on Comparison from Dean Manning.
Enjoy this Father’s Day lesson on Success from Dean Manning.
Enjoy this guest lesson from visiting minister Sam Driver.
PSALM 103:8-14 Our hope is in the Father because His love is merciful and gracious (v.8). In what ways are you thankful for God’s grace and mercy? How has the grace and mercy of the Father changed your life? Our Father does not respond to our sins with anger (v.8-10). What would happen if God…
LAMENTATIONS 3:18-24 In times of great anguish we can easily lose our hope (v. 18-20). What anguish was robbing Jeremiah of his hope? What anguish is robbing us of our hope? Remembering the steadfast love of God will help you find hope (v. 21f). What will help you to be more firmly convinced of the…
II TIMOTHY 1:4-5 Timothy learned compassion from his mother and his grandmother (v.4). What does it say about you when others recall your tears and your joy? What debt do we have to those who blessed our hearts with compassion? Timothy’s faith first lived in his grandmother and in his mother (v.5). How did the…