DEUTERONOMY 11 Love the LORD and keep His laws so you will be strong (v.1, 8-12). Why does God link loving the LORD with obeying Him? (Galatians 5:6) How do godly actions make you stronger? For what purpose was God strengthening His obedient people? Remember what God has done and teach the children (v.2-7, 18-21).…
DEUTERONOMY 2 After years of wandering in the wilderness, it was finally time (v.2). What is wrong with continuing to wander when your task has not yet been done? What will help us to transition from wandering to conquering? During a generation of wandering, God had been with them (v.7). How had God been providing…
NUMBERS 6 The vow of a Nazarite is “a vow of separation unto the LORD” (v.1-4). In what sense did I make a vow of separation unto my wife? How does our separation unto our wife/husband reveal the Nazarite purpose? The vow of a Nazarite separated from anything that would defile (v.3-8). How careful did…
LEVITICUS 16 The high priest had to be holy to offer a sacrifice for the people (v.11-14). Why would the high priest need to offer a sacrifice for His sins? How is our sacrifice superior to theirs? (II Corinthians 5:21) The forgiveness of sins requires a blood sacrifice (v.15-19). What is the logic behind a…
EXODUS 25-27 God told His people to build a place where He could dwell among them (25:8-9). Why is the release from slavery not enough for Israel or for us? How should we be affected by knowing that God wants to dwell with His people? God began His instructions with the very place where He…
EXODUS 14 When we learn that God is with us, we want to follow (Exodus 4:29-31). How do you think the Israelites felt when they heard this great news? How do we and our loved ones feel when we hear the news of God’s grace? When we are going through hard times we don’t want…
GENESIS 42 Ten older brothers had good reason to feel the weight of guilt (37:17-35). How could you sell your little brother as a slave to your cousins ? How could you stand to see your father’s tears because of your actions and your lies? They had suffered with their own guilt for over 20…
Elder Bryan McKee presents a lesson on preparing for the Christian walk, both practically and spiritually.
Deacon Brenton Beckley presents a lesson on figuring out what we want in life, as well as what we need.
ISAIAH 55:1-7 Only a true thirsting for the water of life will satisfy your soul (v.1-2). What happens to us when we seek things that do not satisfy our souls? What do you think of the quote: “Each of us has about as much of God as we want.” Giving your attention to God will…