Sermons on Romans (Page 2)


As Dean continues in his “Awareness: Run the Mile You’re In” series, he explores the act of worship and discusses where we do it, how we do it, why we do it, and much more. Enjoy this week’s lesson and take time to examine your worship and your relationship with God.

The Lifestyle of Hope

ROMANS 15:1-4 Everything written before was for our learning so we can have hope (v.4). What lessons have we usually taught from this verse? Why is context so important to the study of scripture? The context of verse 4 begins with helping the weak (v.1). Since the paragraph begins with helping the weak, what can…

Hope Explained

ROMANS 8:18-25 This life’s trials are incapable of being compared to our hope of glory (v.18). What weight of suffering could compare to the weight of the glory that is coming? Why would God want us to think about this comparison? (2 Cor. 4:17) This creation has become the very definition of hope for us…

Kindness Instead of Condemnation

ROMANS 2:1-4 We all have good reason to avoid condemning others (v.1). Why are we without excuse when we choose to judge others? How are we condemning ourselves when we judge others? What can we do to help us avoid passing judgment? God’s judgment is directed at those who judge others (v.2-3). What should we…