"blessed" Tagged Sermons

Overflowing Service

II CORINTHIANS 9:12-15 Our gifts of service must be overflowing in thanksgiving (v.12). How has your service supplied the needs of God’s people? How have others been blessed by your overflowing gift? People are praising God because of your service (v.13). How have you been proved faithful by your service? How do you feel about…

When the Blessed Need to Be Rebuked

MATTHEW 16:13-28 Jesus asked two serious questions and Peter answered the hard one. (v.13-16). What do both of these questions tell us about the disciples? How well can you answer these two questions? What will help us to have a faith like Peter? Peter was specifically blessed for his confession (v.17-20). Why was Peter blessed…

The High Cost of Trying to Save Yourself

II KINGS 25:1-7 Zedekiah had been told how to be saved (Jeremiah 21:8-9, 38:2). Why would the king choose rebellion instead of surrender? Why do we choose rebellion instead of surrender? Zedekiah was afraid of the cost of obeying God (Jeremiah 38:17-20). What was the basis of Zedekiah’s fear? What is the basis of our…