Consider your identity. Who are you? Who are you trying to be? Who are you supposed to be? If you’re looking for something more, if you thirst for something better, seek water that will quench your thirst forever. “Through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,” be justified by the grace of…
II CORINTHIANS 5:1-5 We know that we have an eternal heavenly home (v.1). What is the source of our heavenly home? (John 14:1-4) How does our hope overcome any fears of this life? While here, we groan longingly for our heavenly home (v.2). How strongly are we desiring our heavenly home? How do our actions…
JOHN 10:10 Jesus came so that we can have life abundantly (John 10:10). How is life more abundant with our Good Shepherd? How many people would describe you as living abundantly? What can we do to better realize this abundant life? Jesus gives abundant life to those who follow Him (Luke 9:23). How does Jesus’…
ISAIAH 42:1-4; 44:1-5 The servant of the LORD was carefully described as the Christ in Isaiah 42:1-4. How do we know that the Messiah is singular? From this passage, what can we know of the character and purpose of Christ? The servant of the LORD was described as the people of Israel in Isaiah 44:1-5.…
ACTS 10:1-48 Cornelius was a pre-covenant believer (v. 1-8). How do we see sincere seekers who are not yet born in Christ? How can we encourage sincere seekers to continue their search? Peter had to be persuaded to see Cornelius as a potential brother (v.9-23). What mental gyrations did Peter have to make to receive…
I THESSALONIANS 5:12-22 Appreciation of our elders naturally flows from a thankful heart (v.12-13). How can we better show appreciation to our elders this week? Why would God want us to give honor to humble servants? A thankful heart affects behavior in times of trials and needs (v.14-15). How does the behavior of these verses…
ROMANS 5:1-5 By faith we have the opportunity to live in grace (v.1-2). What is the role of faith in our justification? In what sense does faith provide our introduction into grace? Living in grace allows us to have peace, and hope (v.1-2). What peace is available to those living in grace but is not…
GALATIANS 5:16-18 Walking by the Spirit is commanded by God (v.16). What does the indwelling of the Spirit have to do with our walk? Because walking by the Spirit is commanded, what is our responsibility? Walking by the Spirit keeps us from worldly activities (v.16). What desires are not put into action when we walk…
Galatians 4:1-7 Immature children are under authority as are servants (v.1-3). How mature are you if you see God as a Master rather than a Father? How much assurance should a child of God possess? Jesus came to redeem us so that we could become Sons (v.4-5). Why was redemption necessary before we could become…