We all have a Mom; it could be by birth, by adoption, via a “Mister” Mom, through a close friend or family member, etc. And what makes a mom a Mom is the love and care she provides to you, the lessons and principles she teaches you, and the person she is every day. Thank…
Jesus has put himself on the line for us. His prayer and his intercession for us is an effort to protect and unite us; to fill us with His joy; to sanctify us; to imbue his love in us; to to put his very self in us. Have you found Christ in you? Are you…
LUKE 16:1-15 The shrewd manager was not making friends with his master (v.1-2). When you don’t do your job well, what are you doing to your boss? How does responsible behavior at work build true friendships? The shrewd manager made friends with his customers (v.3-7). Since the manager is not accused of theft, how is…
JONAH 1-4 Jonah fled to Tarshish because he was angry about God’s grace (4:1-4) What did Jonah’s anger have to do with his running from God? What is wrong with a heart that is so angry with God’s grace that it runs from Him? What is wrong with our hearts when we run from God’s…
II CHRONICLES 20:1-30 There are vast armies that are ready to attack the people of God (v.1-2). Even when you are serving God, why will enemies gather against you? What vast armies are arrayed against the people of God today? When they didn’t know what to do, they sought God in prayer (v.3-12). Why is…
I KINGS 14:22-31 God had made a promise to bless the godly descendants of David (I Kings 2:4). What would have happened if David’s descendants had chosen to follow God? What happens to us when we decide to follow God? Solomon had been so blessed that he made 500 gold shields (I Kings 10:16-17). Who…
I CORINTHIANS 13 Love for God is incomplete without displaying it by blessing others (v.1). Why is genuine love more persuasive than impressive speech? How can we make sure that our words are more than an obnoxious noise? Spiritual maturity and insight is incomplete without practicing love (v.2). What happens to Christianity when we just…
I SAMUEL 24 David could later tell how 3,000 of the best troops chased him (v.1-2). If you are not busy working for the kingdom, what message will you share? Why is it important to share about opposition and obstacles you have faced? David had opportunity to easily rid himself of his enemy (v.3-4). What…
JOB 19:25-27 In Joshua and soon in Ruth we read about a ‘kinsman-redeemer’ (Ruth 2:20). How did a kinsman redeemer bless those who were in need? What protection was possible because of a kinsman-redeemer? Job, in the midst of trials trusted in his redeemer (Job 19:25-27). In the face of such terrible trials, how could…
JOSHUA 10:1-15 Broad opposition from multiple sources call for impossible requests (v.1-5). Why do our problems tend to come in waves instead of as individual challenges? What moves a person of faith to ask God for impossible help in tough times? Loyalty and responsibility can call for impossible requests (v.6-8). What loyalties led Israel to…