Sermons on Example (Page 5)

Transformed by Knowing Christ

EPHESIANS 4:17-24 Introduction: This Tuesday marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation movement, but what other significant events and individuals allow us to have freedom in Christ today? Worldliness progresses along a specific path (v.17-18). How does hardness of heart lead to ignorance then to worldliness? What can we do to prevent our hearts from…

We Are Convinced

II CORINTHIANS 5:14-17 Christ’s love compels those who are convinced of His sacrifice (v.14). All the major translations agree: “because we have concluded this” –ESV; “because we are convinced” –NIV; “having concluded this” – NAS; “because we thus judge” –KJV What is the reason that Christ’s love compels or doesn’t compel you? What has or…

Teach Us to Number Our Days

PSALM 90:12 Moses was trained 120 years to teach us how to number our days (v.1-6). What lessons do we need to learn from the seasons of Moses’ life? How can our understanding of Moses’ days help us better number ours? To number our days we need proper perspective (v.7-11). What spiritual perspective will help…

Amazing Our World

ACTS 5:12-16 Biblical miracles will amaze our world (v.12). What was it about the apostolic signs and wonders that amazed the people? What is accomplished when we try to claim second-class miracles today? The unity of believers will amaze our world (v.12). What is it about the unity of the church that amazes others? How…

More Than Just Looking

JAMES 1:22-25 When we merely listen to the word, we deceive ourselves (v.22). Why is just feeling convicted not enough? How are we deceiving ourselves when we don’t put it into practice? We need to learn a lesson from our mirrors (v.23-24). Why is this one of the all-time great illustrations? What is wrong with…

Who is My Neighbor?

LUKE 10:25-37 In round one, the lawyer attempts to test Jesus (v.25-28). How does Jesus reshape the discussion by His counter-question? What is missing from the lawyer’s answer to Jesus’ question? How does Jesus answer the lawyer’s impossible question? In round two, the lawyer seeks to justify himself (v.29-37). What is missing from the lawyer’s…

Developing a Heart That Will Not Be Silenced

ACTS 4:8-20 We need to understand that everything good was done by Jesus (v.8-10). How is all healing accomplished? What will help you get to the point that you know this for sure? We need to understand that salvation is only found in Jesus (v.11-12). What reasons did Peter have for saying this? What reasons…