Sermons on Thankfulness

joyful adult daughter greeting happy surprised senior mother in garden

Your Mother! God! and You!

We all have a Mom; it could be by birth, by adoption, via a “Mister” Mom, through a close friend or family member, etc. And what makes a mom a Mom is the love and care she provides to you, the lessons and principles she teaches you, and the person she is every day. Thank…


As Dean continues in his “Awareness: Run the Mile You’re In” series, he explores the act of worship and discusses where we do it, how we do it, why we do it, and much more. Enjoy this week’s lesson and take time to examine your worship and your relationship with God.

I Am Confident of This

PHILIPPIANS 1:3-6 I am always thankful for you (v.3). How did it make the Philippians feel when this letter was read to them? How many reasons do we have to be thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ? How can we do a better job of letting them know how they have blessed us?…

The Hope of Israel

MATTHEW 21:1-11 Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah (Matthew 21:1-5). How can we learn to trust Jesus enough to do what is uncomfortable? Mark 11:4-6 How amazing was the scene coming down the side of the Mt. of Olives? How does Jesus’ fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 affect you? The people were also looking for…

From the Substance of Hope

COLOSSIANS 1:3-8 We give thanks for the faith that grows from hope (1:3-5a). What is the event that defines hope and produces faith? (Titus 2:13) What can we do so that our hope will better produce true faith? We give thanks for the love that grows from hope (1:3-5a). How can our ‘desired expectation’ lead…

The Real Lord’s Prayer

JOHN 17 This is how Jesus prayed for Himself (v.1-5). For what purposes was Jesus praying for Himself? For what purposes should we be praying for ourselves? This is how Jesus prayed for His disciples (v.6-19). Why does Jesus choose to not pray for the world? Why pray for protection, unity, joy and sanctification? What…