LUKE 10:25-37 In round one, the lawyer attempts to test Jesus (v.25-28). How does Jesus reshape the discussion by His counter-question? What is missing from the lawyer’s answer to Jesus’ question? How does Jesus answer the lawyer’s impossible question? In round two, the lawyer seeks to justify himself (v.29-37). What is missing from the lawyer’s…
PSALM 139:7-12 God loves us enough to save us from sin’s separation (Genesis 3:22-24). What would have happened if they had eaten from the tree of life? When they were separated by sin, who looked for them? (Genesis 3:9) God can be with us wherever we are (Psalm 139:7-12). How well does God know you?…
MATTHEW 21:1-11 The disciples were devoted enough to go and get the colt (v.1-5). How would it feel to be going to take someone else’s colt? What kinds of uncomfortable things does God call you to do? The owners of the colt were devoted enough to give it (v.3). Why would the owners of the…
II SAMUEL 11 We have a hard time finding sin in David’s life before Bathsheba (11:1-15). How did the years of faithful obedience protect David from sin? How do our years of faithful obedience protect us from sin? What do we need to do when we have sinned (12:13). We have a hard time finding…
I SAMUEL 17 Satan uses intimidation because it doesn’t require anything of him (v.4-11). What response should believers have to giant problems? (Numbers 13:33; 14:6-8) What happens to us when we focus on intimidating problems? When David looked to the living God, intimidation lost its power (v.26, 36f). What power does intimidation have with a…
II TIMOTHY 3:1-5 God’s people should expect terrible behavior in the world (v.1). How does a long-lasting rejection of Jesus manifest itself? (v.13) For what reasons would God share this news with His people? Unbelievers will display increasingly selfish sins (v.2-4). What central attitude links all of the sins in these three verses? How can…
Galatians 5:16-23 The morality of the flesh is opposed to the morality of the Spirit (v.16-17). How does walking by the Spirit keep us from wanting to sin? Which opposing desire should we be choosing? Why is walking by the Spirit better than doing what we desire? The morality of the Spirit doesn’t need rules…
HEBREWS 12:16-17 We are not to be immoral like Esau (v.16). When we go back to Genesis, what do we find immoral about Esau? What was it about the illustration given that is still immoral? We are not to be profane like Esau (v.16). What threshold did Esau illicitly cross? When we choose immediate gratification,…
Luke 6:27-36 God makes us vulnerable as we learn to love our enemies (v.27-28). Why does God want us to be vulnerable to our enemies? What practice in our lives will help us love our enemies? God makes us vulnerable as we practice kindness not revenge (v.29-30). Why does God want us to turn the…