Sermons by Jack Abels (Page 10)

The Kingdom of God Is in You

LUKE 17:21 The entire message of Jesus was about the coming of the Kingdom (Mark 1:15). Why is the message of redemption incomplete without the concept of kingdom? Why would Jesus be so unassuming and personal if He is a king? Their misunderstanding about the Kingdom missed the point (John 6:14-15). What was wrong with…

More Than Just Looking

JAMES 1:22-25 When we merely listen to the word, we deceive ourselves (v.22). Why is just feeling convicted not enough? How are we deceiving ourselves when we don’t put it into practice? We need to learn a lesson from our mirrors (v.23-24). Why is this one of the all-time great illustrations? What is wrong with…

Who is My Neighbor?

LUKE 10:25-37 In round one, the lawyer attempts to test Jesus (v.25-28). How does Jesus reshape the discussion by His counter-question? What is missing from the lawyer’s answer to Jesus’ question? How does Jesus answer the lawyer’s impossible question? In round two, the lawyer seeks to justify himself (v.29-37). What is missing from the lawyer’s…

By His Wounds We Are Healed

ISAIAH 53:4-6 The larger context clearly shows the wonder of Christ’s sacrifice (52:13-53:12). How does the reading of this passage kindle emotions that can bless us? How much anguish and how much hope do you find in these words? Our chosen text personalizes that amazing sacrifice (53:4). What would move someone to take ownership of…

Do You Love the Father?

LUKE 15:11-32 Jesus wanted the sinners to know that the Father loved them (v.11-20). What lessons could Jesus’ dinner guests gain from these parables? Why didn’t someone go looking for the brother like they did for the sheep and coin? How does the Father’s love reconcile the returning son with the whole community? Jesus wanted…

A Contagious Faith

II TIMOTHY 1:4-5; 3:14-15 Timothy was infected with the contagious faith of his family (1:5). How can grandmothers and mothers pass on their faith? How well are we infecting others with our faith? The faith Timothy learned was an emotional faith (1:4). Why is it important that our faith is also emotional (Galatians 5:6)? What…