"follow" Tagged Sermons

water pouring on clear glass mug

Your & Our Cup of Cold Water

As the days grow warmer, sometimes there’s nothing more refreshing than a cold glass of water. Such a thing can restore your strength and clarity, but how many people do without this simple, often-for-granted pleasure (rather, essential provision)? Our God offers us the everlasting waters, that quench our thirst for eternity; are we, in turn,…

The Character of Christ

I JOHN 1:1-4 Jesus’ character changed and motivated the first disciples (I John 1:1-4) How would your life have been changed if you had seen, touched and heard Jesus? What can we do to better see, hear and touch Jesus today? The cry of the growing church is “Come and see!” (John 4:28-30). When we…

The Assignment That Brings Hope to Our World

MATTHEW 28:19-20 When Jesus declared His ultimate authority, He gave one assignment (28:18-20). How does making disciples differ from calling people to salvation? Why does baptism come after the making of a disciple? What all is involved in making people to be disciples? The nature of the assignment is immense and clear (Luke 6:40). How…

When the Blessed Need to Be Rebuked

MATTHEW 16:13-28 Jesus asked two serious questions and Peter answered the hard one. (v.13-16). What do both of these questions tell us about the disciples? How well can you answer these two questions? What will help us to have a faith like Peter? Peter was specifically blessed for his confession (v.17-20). Why was Peter blessed…

Evil Is Judged by Nineveh and Sheba

MATTHEW 12:38-45 An evil generation asks for a miraculous sign (v.38-39). What is so wrong about asking for a miraculous sign? What should we be doing instead of asking for a sign? Jesus declared that Jonah was in a huge fish for three days (v.39-40). Why do people find it so hard to believe the…

Transforming Followers

MARK 2:13-22 Levi/Matthew was transformed by a call to follow Jesus (v.13-14). What would motivate a successful man to leave his profession to follow Jesus? What will lead us to leave anything that hinders us from following Jesus? Transformed Levi/Matthew wanted all of his friends to meet Jesus (v.15). When he was leaving his job,…