MATTHEW 27:50-28:11 Our Savior willingly laid down His life to set us free (27:50-54). How does this passage confirm the promise of John 10:17-18? How did God clearly announce the sufficient sacrifice of Jesus? Loving women who needed hope, witnessed His death and burial (27:55-61). How painful would this have been for those who loved…
MATTHEW 21:1-11 Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah (Matthew 21:1-5). How can we learn to trust Jesus enough to do what is uncomfortable? Mark 11:4-6 How amazing was the scene coming down the side of the Mt. of Olives? How does Jesus’ fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 affect you? The people were also looking for…
ROMANS 15:1-4 Everything written before was for our learning so we can have hope (v.4). What lessons have we usually taught from this verse? Why is context so important to the study of scripture? The context of verse 4 begins with helping the weak (v.1). Since the paragraph begins with helping the weak, what can…
I PETER 3:13-17 Hope motivates you to be zealous to do good (v.13-14). How bad is your suffering when you are living with hope? (Hebrews 12:2) How are we being blessed by suffering that has come from doing good? How is your hope protecting your heart from fear? Hope sanctifies Christ as Lord in our…
II CORINTHIANS 5:1-5 We know that we have an eternal heavenly home (v.1). What is the source of our heavenly home? (John 14:1-4) How does our hope overcome any fears of this life? While here, we groan longingly for our heavenly home (v.2). How strongly are we desiring our heavenly home? How do our actions…
EPHESIANS 1:18-21 We need to pray for enlightened hearts to know the hope of our calling (v.18). What enlightenment will help us better know the hope of our calling? Why is it important that our hope is not separated from our calling? Our hope is related to the glorious riches of His inheritance (v.18b). Why…
II CORINTHIANS 3:7-18 Our ministry is much more glorious than that of Moses (v.7-8). How glorious would it have been to see the glory of God on Mt. Sinai? How is our ministry even more glorious? Why is it so important that we view it as a ministry? A ministry that brings life is much…
ROMANS 8:18-25 This life’s trials are incapable of being compared to our hope of glory (v.18). What weight of suffering could compare to the weight of the glory that is coming? Why would God want us to think about this comparison? (2 Cor. 4:17) This creation has become the very definition of hope for us…
LUKE 23:40-43 When life is as bad as it can get, with Jesus there is hope (Luke 23:40-43). What was the only hope for the thief on the cross? What is the greatest and the only hope for us? (I Peter 1:8-9) We have already been seated with Christ (Ephesians 2:6). How can a realization…
GENESIS 40 God personally gave Joseph reasons to have hope (37:5-11). Whatever would happen to him for the next 13 years, what assurance did he have? Whatever happens to you in your life, what assurances do you have? When rejected by his brothers and sold as a slave, he needed hope (37:23-28). In that cistern,…