I CORINTHIANS 6:12-20 Because the body is for the Lord, we should choose no other master (v.12-13). How is Paul using their own words to teach them? What will protect you from being mastered? Because we will be raised from death, we should be morally pure (v.14). How should the coming resurrection motivate us toward…
TITUS 2:11-14 God’s grace teaches us to say “No!” to ungodliness (v.11-12). How does grace motivate your heart to want to reject temptation? How well are you allowing God’s grace to accomplish this in you? God’s grace teaches us to live sensible, godly lives (v.12). How does God’s grace allow a sensibility that is unavailable…
Ephesians 1 The only way to get bread is to go where it is (Genesis 41:54, 57). Why couldn’t the grain be delivered to other places? What is the parallel for salvation? (II Timothy 2:10). All spiritual blessings are found in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-3). How is salvation more than just being saved? What is the…
HEBREWS 2:1-4 When we don’t pay attention it is easy to drift (v.1). What happens in our marriages when we don’t give our attention? What happens to our example when we don’t pay attention? What happens to our walk with God when we don’t pay attention? They had good reason to pay close attention to…
ACTS 10:1-48 Cornelius was a pre-covenant believer (v. 1-8). How do we see sincere seekers who are not yet born in Christ? How can we encourage sincere seekers to continue their search? Peter had to be persuaded to see Cornelius as a potential brother (v.9-23). What mental gyrations did Peter have to make to receive…
EPHESIANS 2:1-10 We used to follow the prince of the power of the air (v.1-3). How was your life when you followed the prince of the air? What happens when we choose to live among those who follow him? Why is it important to know that Satan is only a prince of the air? But…
II TIMOTHY 3:1-5 God’s people should expect terrible behavior in the world (v.1). How does a long-lasting rejection of Jesus manifest itself? (v.13) For what reasons would God share this news with His people? Unbelievers will display increasingly selfish sins (v.2-4). What central attitude links all of the sins in these three verses? How can…
Galatians 5:16-23 The morality of the flesh is opposed to the morality of the Spirit (v.16-17). How does walking by the Spirit keep us from wanting to sin? Which opposing desire should we be choosing? Why is walking by the Spirit better than doing what we desire? The morality of the Spirit doesn’t need rules…
LUKE 1:26-38 The angel Gabriel had been sent 530 years earlier to Daniel (Daniel 9:21). What is the relationship between prayer and the arrival of angels? What factors in this story encourage you to more devoted prayer? The angel Gabriel had been sent six months earlier to Zechariah (Luke 1:11-20). After over four centuries of…