II SAMUEL 12:1-14 The LORD sent Nathan to persuade David (v.1). How does it help to have a relationship with someone you seek to persuade? What will help us to see ourselves as chosen by God to persuade others? Telling a story that relates well is a great way to persuade (v.1-4). How much persuasive…
II SAMUEL 3 A dishonored man of honor chose to honor the king (v.6-21). Why is it not in your best interest to dishonor others? In whose company do honorable people feel most comfortable? How much effort are honorable men willing to give to live honorably? A dishonorable man chose to dishonor his uncle, the…
JOSHUA 10:1-15 Broad opposition from multiple sources call for impossible requests (v.1-5). Why do our problems tend to come in waves instead of as individual challenges? What moves a person of faith to ask God for impossible help in tough times? Loyalty and responsibility can call for impossible requests (v.6-8). What loyalties led Israel to…
DEUTERONOMY 11 Love the LORD and keep His laws so you will be strong (v.1, 8-12). Why does God link loving the LORD with obeying Him? (Galatians 5:6) How do godly actions make you stronger? For what purpose was God strengthening His obedient people? Remember what God has done and teach the children (v.2-7, 18-21).…
DEUTERONOMY 2 After years of wandering in the wilderness, it was finally time (v.2). What is wrong with continuing to wander when your task has not yet been done? What will help us to transition from wandering to conquering? During a generation of wandering, God had been with them (v.7). How had God been providing…
NUMBERS 6 The vow of a Nazarite is “a vow of separation unto the LORD” (v.1-4). In what sense did I make a vow of separation unto my wife? How does our separation unto our wife/husband reveal the Nazarite purpose? The vow of a Nazarite separated from anything that would defile (v.3-8). How careful did…
ISAIAH 55:1-7 Only a true thirsting for the water of life will satisfy your soul (v.1-2). What happens to us when we seek things that do not satisfy our souls? What do you think of the quote: “Each of us has about as much of God as we want.” Giving your attention to God will…
JOHN 12:37-46 As prophesied, many Jews chose not to believe in Jesus (v.37-40). How does ‘would not believe’ differ from ‘could not believe?’ What factors would lead to the choice of not believing in Christ? The prophets clearly declared a rejected Messiah (v.38; Isaiah 53:1). How does the context of Isaiah clearly declare Jesus as…
EPHESIANS 4:17-24 Introduction: This Tuesday marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation movement, but what other significant events and individuals allow us to have freedom in Christ today? Worldliness progresses along a specific path (v.17-18). How does hardness of heart lead to ignorance then to worldliness? What can we do to prevent our hearts from…
II CORINTHIANS 5:14-17 Christ’s love compels those who are convinced of His sacrifice (v.14). All the major translations agree: “because we have concluded this” –ESV; “because we are convinced” –NIV; “having concluded this” – NAS; “because we thus judge” –KJV What is the reason that Christ’s love compels or doesn’t compel you? What has or…