As Dean continues in his “Awareness: Run the Mile You’re In” series, he explores the act of worship and discusses where we do it, how we do it, why we do it, and much more. Enjoy this week’s lesson and take time to examine your worship and your relationship with God.
EPHESIANS 1:18-21 We need to pray for enlightened hearts to know the hope of our calling (v.18). What enlightenment will help us better know the hope of our calling? Why is it important that our hope is not separated from our calling? Our hope is related to the glorious riches of His inheritance (v.18b). Why…
II CORINTHIANS 3:7-18 Our ministry is much more glorious than that of Moses (v.7-8). How glorious would it have been to see the glory of God on Mt. Sinai? How is our ministry even more glorious? Why is it so important that we view it as a ministry? A ministry that brings life is much…
ROMANS 8:18-25 This life’s trials are incapable of being compared to our hope of glory (v.18). What weight of suffering could compare to the weight of the glory that is coming? Why would God want us to think about this comparison? (2 Cor. 4:17) This creation has become the very definition of hope for us…
REVELATION 15 Great and marvelous judgements begin at the throne of God (v.1-2a). What aspects of this scene remind us of Revelation 4-5? How do these scenes declare the glory of the God who judges sin? Great and marvelous judgements are accompanied by singing (v.2a-3a). What can we know about the song of Moses? (Deuteronomy…
MATTHEW 12:38-45 An evil generation asks for a miraculous sign (v.38-39). What is so wrong about asking for a miraculous sign? What should we be doing instead of asking for a sign? Jesus declared that Jonah was in a huge fish for three days (v.39-40). Why do people find it so hard to believe the…
JEREMIAH 20 People of God are often in conflict with religious leaders (v.1-6). How much did it cost Jeremiah to share God’s message? How much will it cost us to share God’s message? How much does it cost those who reject God’s message? Like it or not, the message of God demands to be shared…
I SAMUEL 2:1-11 The one praising God after years of being childless is again barren (1:24-28). What does her amazing gift say about Hannah’s heart? To what extent are we willing to give our children to God? Hannah sings a song to glorify God above all else (2:1-5a). What does Hannah’s praise at that time…
JOHN 12:37-46 As prophesied, many Jews chose not to believe in Jesus (v.37-40). How does ‘would not believe’ differ from ‘could not believe?’ What factors would lead to the choice of not believing in Christ? The prophets clearly declared a rejected Messiah (v.38; Isaiah 53:1). How does the context of Isaiah clearly declare Jesus as…
II CORINTHIANS 5:14-17 Christ’s love compels those who are convinced of His sacrifice (v.14). All the major translations agree: “because we have concluded this” –ESV; “because we are convinced” –NIV; “having concluded this” – NAS; “because we thus judge” –KJV What is the reason that Christ’s love compels or doesn’t compel you? What has or…