ROMANS 8:31-39 What should be our response to God’s choosing (v.31a)? When we read verses 28-30, ‘what will we say in response?’ Why should the knowledge of God’s choice help to increase our assurance? “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (v.31b) What assurance do you receive from knowing that God is…
II EPHESIANS (Revelation 2) The church in Ephesus was known for their faith and love (Ephesians 1:15-16). What can we know about the faith and love in Ephesus (Acts 19:8-10, 18-20)? What will help us to have that level of faith and love? In II Ephesians they were praised for their faith and diligence (v.1-3).…
TITUS 2:11-14 God’s grace teaches us to say “No!” to ungodliness (v.11-12). How does grace motivate your heart to want to reject temptation? How well are you allowing God’s grace to accomplish this in you? God’s grace teaches us to live sensible, godly lives (v.12). How does God’s grace allow a sensibility that is unavailable…
II SAMUEL 11 We have a hard time finding sin in David’s life before Bathsheba (11:1-15). How did the years of faithful obedience protect David from sin? How do our years of faithful obedience protect us from sin? What do we need to do when we have sinned (12:13). We have a hard time finding…
I SAMUEL 17 Satan uses intimidation because it doesn’t require anything of him (v.4-11). What response should believers have to giant problems? (Numbers 13:33; 14:6-8) What happens to us when we focus on intimidating problems? When David looked to the living God, intimidation lost its power (v.26, 36f). What power does intimidation have with a…
ACTS 10:1-48 Cornelius was a pre-covenant believer (v. 1-8). How do we see sincere seekers who are not yet born in Christ? How can we encourage sincere seekers to continue their search? Peter had to be persuaded to see Cornelius as a potential brother (v.9-23). What mental gyrations did Peter have to make to receive…
EPHESIANS 2:1-10 We used to follow the prince of the power of the air (v.1-3). How was your life when you followed the prince of the air? What happens when we choose to live among those who follow him? Why is it important to know that Satan is only a prince of the air? But…
JOHN 6:66-69 Sometimes, the hard teachings of Jesus thinned the crowd (John 6:66-69). What does it say about us when we allow hard sayings to turn us away? How can we develop a heart that realizes that He alone has the words of life? The required level of commitment thinned the crowd (Mark 10:17-22). What…
II Corinthians 5:14-6:2 The nature of the revolution begins with the truth that we have died (v.14-15). How does the love of our dying Savior compel us to die so we can live for Him? What is motivating you not to live for yourself, but for Jesus? The nature of the revolution gives us a…
JOHN 12:27-36 Jesus declared that His dying would draw all men to Him (John 12:27-36). Why is it important that the cross did more than atone for our sins? What is our role in the cross drawing all men to Christ? The prophecies of Daniel predicted a revolution (Daniel 2:44-45). What can we know about…